This is the phase of life! It's normal!
Don't feel alienated!
Try to treat anyone you meet warmly, happly! Cause now a days it's very easy for people to hide themselves behind a smiley face!
If you don't feel like anything! Call that one person you believe! ♥ If not then listen to your favorite playlist,
And take a deep breath, inhale self love and exhale self doubts.
Try to accept yourself first, I know! its a bit hard process, but believe me! it's worth it for you ♥
Do things you wanna do but you never did it!!
Wanna pour out your heart, do it by writing it on your journal, take a shower, dance madly on full volume, eat your favorite food, talk to your old school friends, watch your favorite show ✨
Do all type of weird stuff you wanna do, which gives you pleasure and happiness cause ~♥~
if it make you happy, it doesn't have to make sense to others. 🖐
If you are not getting proper sleep, just do 10 push-up before going to your bed.
~your wellwisher
(Pro tip to cheer you up -listen
We will rock you by Queen )
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