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MENSTRUAL HYGIENE IN INDIA: Challenges that need to be sorted

1. Spreading awareness ~ as we know television has a huge role in this, by telecasting programs about hygiene in India, by making them aware about the importance of it, by applying govt programmers and schemes, by taking sessions  in schools and colleges .

2. Reducing the cost of hygiene product ~ as we know India is a developing country, so still there are many  sections of society who cannot afford the product, especially women have to face this problem more as the menstrual product  (pads, tampons ) are very expensive so, the govt should at least makes these product affordable.

3. Making product more approachable ~In most of the rural areas women still use  cloth for menstruation. The product is not approachable to them they still think that the cloth is the beat method for them and hesitant to use the modern menstrual products.

4.Removing the Patriarchal  mindset ~ in patriarchy the male is the head of the household so, they limits the women in many way . For them menstrual hygiene is still a hushhh ! Hushh ! Private Thing which limits to women only . Due to which women are unable to practice personal sanitary hygiene like washing cloth pads, and drying them in sunlight for proper disinfection , not allowing to go to temples etc.

5. By maintaining cleanliness~ Due to the lack of clean, private, safe water and sanitation facilities, women are unable to practice personal sanitary hygiene like changing the menstrual pads, girls limit their food and water intake to minimise their use of the toilet so that they don’t have to change pads as regularly. These practices could lead to severe health issues in the longer run. 


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