Navratri is observed as the
goddess worship- the divine feminine- who is viewed as the central of
existence. It tells us how women can conquer demons which the best of men
couldn’t . Of how applying sringaar isn’t sign of weakness. Durga wears her
femininity with pride, even while she is locked in a bloody battle with demons.
Potential in every women- feminism discovered and celebrated through Navratri,
the nine days for nine moods, the nine emotions, the nine shades of women,
ranging from mild to wild, from compassion to retribution, from love to war.
The mild mannered Lakshmi, the quick witted Saraswati , the bloodthirsty Kali
are all various forms/avtars of women. Here, the goddess are not a symbolic resource but as potential in
every women.
Defeating the
inequalities – the goddess Durga is the Adi
Shakti, form from the combined energies of the male gods, aggressive, striding
on the lion of misogyny patriarchy, and going beyond subversive gender roles
and narratives like caste and class. She is the warrior goddess combating evils
-the asura Mahishasur – who symbolically represents the dark forces. She
displays the protective mother goddess who can do anything to empower life and creation
through distruction. The fight is about the good over evil, justice over the
injustice of bias and exploitation: all forms of inequalities faced by women in
The power of choice- the element of choice and freedom every women entitled to have:
goddess Parvati when she created a child from her own, without the man, the
goddess Saraswati who prefers to remain
childless in her higher goal for knowledge and learning, the goddess Ganga with
her power of plenty to nurture, the goddess Sati wielding her power of choice
to choose her man to love and marry and to die for pride and dignity. Power of
all the other emotions and experiences of the women are acknowledged and
recognized. It not just show the worship but the recognition and celebration. Every
women in the society have the potential
to invoke the power in us.
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